Spring is finally here, and we all know what that means: it’s time to get your property maintenance up to scratch before the summer arrives! As the warmer days become more frequent, taking care of your property investments should be at the top of your priority list.
To ensure you don’t miss anything, the key is to create a maintenance checklist. Here are just a few tasks to add to your maintenance list:
- Remove dead trees & bushes
- Clean gutters and downspouts
- Clean foundation vents
- Address moisture buildup
- Schedule your air conditioner to be cleaned and serviced
- Check your smoke alarms. And while you’re at it, remember to check the expiration date on your fire extinguisher, too.
Maintenance tasks may be a chore, but completing these each season will protect your investment. Preventing structural damage, saving energy, and keeping the property’s systems running properly are all benefits of attentive property maintenance.
Need a hand? Did you know that we can help organise your property maintenance or provide personalised suggestions based on your property? Give us a call today to find out more on 04-970-5435.