How can you ensure your Body Corporate Committee is working as efficiently as possible?
Here are three quick tips to consider for better committee meetings:
1. Be prepared: This means reading the notice and documents in advance and arriving at the meeting with your positions in mind. If a motion is not fully understood, then you cannot logically vote for or against it. Any important motion needs to be fully understood by a diverse-background range of attendees.
2. Respect the Meeting Manager: The Chair of your scheme is the meeting manager and they need to direct the meeting – that’s what they are elected to do. If you are bit uncertain, then you can lean on us, your Body Corporate Manager for guidance.
3. Decisions Not Opinions: Body corporate committees are decision-making bodies that record votes in Committee Meetings, not opinions. Each member has one vote, and it's essential to remember this amidst various voices during meetings. Some individuals may prefer lengthy discussions, but the quickest way to resolve an issue is to call for a vote.